Lehrstuhl für makroskopische und klinische Anatomie

In our courses, students of medicine and dentistry receive intensive instruction in macroscopic and clinical anatomy through lectures, seminars and internships. Teaching is oriented to practice and clinical settings.


Interaction: teaching and research

Anatomy is a living discipline. The knowledge of our subject is also subject to constant expansion and change, which forms the basis of medical practice. Although one of the principles of our discipline is to impart knowledge about the structure of the healthy body, pathological changes, injury and healing mechanisms also play an important role in our teaching and research. Understanding inter-individual differences is also essential here. Our preclinical and clinical teaching and our research are closely linked - more so than in any other discipline of medicine.

Contact for Teaching

Postgraduelles Training

Postgraduate teaching

The Division of Macroscopic and Clinical Anatomy at the Medical University of Graz is internationally renowned for its specialization in postgraduate training. Methods of preserving human tissue (anatomical fixation) developed in Graz make it possible to train interventions under realistic conditions.

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Inquiry: Course, workshop or demonstration