Lehrstuhl für makroskopische und klinische Anatomie

Every body donation is a gift to future generations of doctors and healthcare professionals.

This donation is a gift to future generations of doctors and health care professionals that will allow them to acquire important professional competencies through the study of anatomy. You also help surgeons to enhance and develop new operation techniques.

This can reduce complications caused by the actions of medical professionals. At the same time, intensive research on human specimens makes it possible to establish new treatment methods or increase understanding of diseases.

Anatomy donation office

Mon.–Thurs.: 8:00 AM – 15:00 PM and Fri. 08.00 AM – 12.00 PM 
T: +43 316 385 71100



Thanksgiving and memorial service for the body donors of the anatomy department

Once a year, the medical students organize a memorial service for the body donors together with the Chair of Macroscopic and Clinical Anatomy. The deceased are remembered in speeches and through musical contributions and their contribution to teaching and research in medicine is honored. The thank-you and memorial service is also explicitly aimed at the relatives of the body donors in order to come together with the students and staff of the Medical University of Graz for a festive exchange. The event takes place in an ecumenical setting under the guidance of the Protestant and Catholic churches and is aimed at relatives regardless of their faith.

The date of this annual thanksgiving and memorial service can be found on the homepage of the Chair of Macroscopic and Clinical Anatomy at anatomie.medunigraz.at

Further Information

Tobelbad forest cemetery


Anatomischer Friedhof

Video aus der Reihe "Wissenswert"